Advancing Justice Condemns the Acts of Terror and Hate Displayed By White Supremacists

Affiliation Calls on President to Denounce White Supremacist Violence
For Immediate Release
Michelle Boykins (202) 296-2300, ext. 0144

Washington, D.C. — August 13, 2017 — The world witnessed a domestic act of terror and an ugly display of hate as white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend. Yesterday, white nationalists turned their violent message into action as a driver plowed into a crowd of anti-racism counter protesters, killing one person and injuring several others.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Advancing Justice), an affiliation of five civil rights organizations, issues the following statement:

“Advancing Justice condemns the unabashed display of hate and violence that occurred over the weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased and the dozens of injured victims.

While many have expressed shock at the white nationalists who brought their full measure of hate and anger to the streets of Charlottesville, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, African Americans, Latinx, and LGBT communities are all too familiar with the true face of racism seen yesterday.  As Asian Americans, our own history is deeply intertwined with white supremacy-driven bans and prohibitions including the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, so-called alien land laws, anti-miscegenation laws, and the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.  

Advancing Justice applauds the bravery of the anti-racism counter protesters who stood up and called out the white supremacists and radical extremists for their brazen display of hate. It is particularly appalling that President Trump chose not to condemn the white supremacy that was on full display yesterday and which led to at least one death. Such domestic terrorism must be condemned as such – ignoring it will only further divide our nation and lead to more violence.

What happened yesterday is not a partisan issue.  There is no spin, no messaging, that can cover up what this is – an act of terrorism. The events in Charlottesville exposed an ugly underbelly in America that communities of color face on a daily basis.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice mourns those injured and killed and stands with all marginalized communities that are under attack. We applaud the elected officials who immediately condemned the violence in Charlottesville for what it is. Now, Mr. President, we call upon you to do the same.”
