Anti-Asian Hate

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC has been working to raise awareness about increased racism and discrimination against Asian Americans.

The Asian American community has long struggled for visibility and equity, and now faces additional physical and mental health harms due to the increase in anti-Asian hate. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asian American community saw a sharp increase in anti-Asian hate crimes and hate incidents due to the misattribution of the coronavirus to our community. However, anti-Asian hate is not a new phenomenon: from the time our communities first immigrated to the U.S. to present day, Asian Americans have experienced discrimination in many forms, from mistrust, verbal abuse, and harassment to civil rights violations, anti-Asian legislation, and even physical violence.

What Can You Do?

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources to Stand Against Racism | Asian Americans  Advancing Justice - AAJCReport and help us document hate and harassment: If you have witnessed or experienced anti-Asian hate, we encourage you to report your story to our website www.StandAgainstHatred.org1 (accessible in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese). Help us better understand anti-Asian hate so we can work to put an end to it.

Report your story of witnessing or experiencing harassment2

Bystander Intervention Training

Trainings to Combat Anti-Asian Hate Graphic3Advancing Justice | AAJC has partnered with R4ight To Be (formerly Hollaback!)5 to provide free trainings to equip people with techniques on how to safely intervene when they see or experience anti-Asian harassment.

Register for a Bystander Intervention training to Address Anti-Asian/Asian American Harassment3


Asian Resource Hub

Are you looking for resources and assistance? Visit the Asian Resource Hub6 to find service providers and advocacy groups that support Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities across the country. The organizations listed in this directory can be searched by location, language, and type of service. You can learn more about Asian Resource Hub's work in the public service announcement (PSA) above, which can also be viewed in Vietnamese (tiếng việt)7, Korean (한국말)8, Cantonese (粵語)9, and Mandarin (普通话)10.

Some examples of services you can find in the directory include: 

  • Social service support (ie: basic needs, language assistance, victims services, etc.)
  • Legal assistance 
  • Mental health support 
  • Opportunities to get involved in civic engagement and policy advocacy

This directory was created by Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC.

Visit the Asian Resource Hub!6

Mental Health Resources
Crime Victims' Compensation

If you are a victim of a crime, you may be eligible for crime victims’ compensation funds. Locate your state’s Crime Victims Fund program here16. Compensation and coverage vary across states, but generally include:

  • Medical care
  • Counseling
  • Lost wages
  • Transportation costs
  • Funeral and burial support

If you need assistance, please contact


Stay Updated

Follow Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to receive updates about our work, including ways to get directly involved in our advocacy efforts.

Media Placements

Download the FAQ25 for frequently asked questions on anti-Asian hate and our work with Stand Against Hatred. 

Below is a sampling of media coverage of these issues: