Community Partners
Established in 1995, the Community Partners Network is a national network of organizations serving Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. We know that national, state, and local groups working together make the best and strongest partnerships, and that any effort to bring about sustainable change must engage grassroots leaders. The Community Partners Network is how we ensure these leaders and voices are involved in our efforts.

Our Community Partner Network
Our Community Partners Network includes more than 160 organizations in 33 states and DC. Our Community Partners Network includes community-based organizations and community leaders focused on policy advocacy, direct services, social and cultural activities, and more.
Partnership Highlights:
- Policy and Legal Advocacy: Our Community Partners elevate community member voices and stories in our work across all three branches of the federal government. See our program areas1 and press releases2 for sign-on letters, amicus briefs, and other opportunities our Community Partners have collaborated with us on.
- Capacity Building: In consultation with our Community Partners, we organize capacity building programs to increase skills and knowledge around policy advocacy, strategic communications, organizational development, and other areas. In 2019, we led a five-part digital training series focused on fundraising which covered topics including the basics of fundraising, donor prospecting and cultivation, special events, campaigns, and communicating social impact. As a wrap-up, Community Partners had the opportunity to do 1:1 technical assistance training with our VP of Development to dive deeper into the training exercises. In 2020, we are leading a three-part digital training series focused on strategic communications best practices and ways to use press, social media, and communications tools to advance your work . Recordings of the fundraising and strategic communications trainings are available.
- Count Us In 2020 Census Campaign: We need a full and accurate count of Asian Americans in the 2020 Census to get our fair share of resources for our families and communities. Our Get Out the Count campaign was launched in April 2018, and it is developed and implemented in collaboration with our Community Partners. Community Partners receive weekly updates on new resources, webinar invitations, Census Bureau operations, funding opportunities, and more. In addition, Community Partners play an integral role in the development of our GOTC toolkit and factsheets and translated resources in 15 Asian languages. We have new resources in development, and you can see our campaign resources at www.CountUsIn2020.org3.
To learn more about what being a Community Partner means or to join our Community Partners Network, contact Director of Community Engagement, Cindy Ji, at cji@advancingjustice-aajc.org4.