The U.S. Census and American Community Survey are opportunities for the government to accurately count Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and appropriately allocate resources and services. Without this data, we’ve seen that it is easy for swaths of our community to go unseen and uncounted. An accurate count of our community in the census is necessary if government services are to be provided to our people and decision makers are to understand our importance. For more comprehensive resources related to the 2020 Census, please visit our affiliation website at www.CountUsIn2020.org.
Count Us In 2020
Our census website CountUsin2020.org1, has resources2 to help you and your community get ready for the 2020 Census, including:
- Community Engagement and Get Out the Count Toolkit
- National Factsheets on why the census matters for our communities
- State Factsheets
- Issue Factsheets on the citizenship question, confidentiality, data disaggregation, and more
- Webinars3
- We launched the podcast, "Count On Your Census," 4to promote a robust response to the 2020 Census.
- All of these resources are available on www.CountUsin2020.org/resources5.
A Fair and Accurate Census
We pursue a fair and accurate census count of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Our work throughout the last decade has ensured policy decisions are made to ensure an accurate count of our communities as well as has led to increasing census research on improving outreach to Asian Americans, particularly those who are limited English proficient—the people who stand to lose the most if they are not accurately represented. Our outreach and education campaigns for the previous censuses have comprehensively engaged our communities and have pushed for increased participation in the surveys.
Count Us Accurately
Census data provides communities an opportunity to not only better understand themselves but tools to engage their elected officials in advocating for support and solutions for their community’s needs. Utilizing data from the census and other sources, we are able to showcase the contributions and needs of Asian Americans nationwide and regionally through our series of demographic reports. The report’s disaggregated data illuminates income and educational disparities across Asian ethnicities, highlights Asian American business and economic contributions and underscores the future political power of our rapidly growing demographic.
- http://www.CountUsin2020.org
- https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/censuswww.countusin2020.org/resources
- https://www.countusin2020.org/webinars
- https://advancingjustice-aajc.org/count-your-census
- https://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org/censuswww.CountUsin2020.org/resources