Justice in Brief Newsletters

Keep in touch with monthly updates on our policy and litigation work, upcoming events and opportunities, and spotlights on our community partners.

To get regular updates from Advancing Justice | AAJC, subscribe here.1


January 2025: Happy New Year from Advancing Justice - AAJC2


May 2024: Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month3

Spring 2024: Spring Forward4


Summer 2023: Standing in Solidarity5 

February/March 2023: Stronger Together 6

January 2023: Holding our Communities Close7 

Summer 2023: Standing in Solidarity5 

October 2023: Celebrating and Serving Community8 

December 2023: In Gratitude9 


October/November 2022: Strength in Solidarity10

September 2022: Advocate, Educate, and Vote 11

July/August 2022: Maintaining our Momentum12  

June 2022: Perseverance in the Face of Adversity13 

April/May 2022: Holding Our Communities Close14 

February/March 2022: Equipping Our Community for Mobilization15 

February 2022: Abbreviated Advocacy and Organization Highlights16

January 2022: New Beginnings: The Mission Continues17


November/December 2021: A Cornucopia of Gratitude18

October 2021: Empowering the Next Generation19

September 2021: Not Backing Down: "The Fight is Not Over"20

August 2021: Continuing the March for Our Rights21

July 2021: Elevating Our Community in Celebration and Ongoing Struggle22

June 2021: Celebrating Our Roots & Fighting Injustice23

May 2021: Celebrating Who We Are (APAHM)24

March/April 2021: Moving Forward in Unity25

February 2021: Protecting and Advancing Our Community in the Face of Hate26

January 2021: A Month of New Beginnings27


May 2020: AAPI Heritage Month28

February 2020: Census Update29

January 2020: Forecasting for 202030


Top 10 of 2019 Highlights31

November/December 2019: Preparing for Census 202032

August/September 2019: The 2019 American Courage Awards, Legal Advocacy Updates, and More33

July 2019: Support the Reuniting Families Act Now!34

June 2019: Victory! Now We Must Ensure All Communities Are Counted35

May 2019: Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month36

March/April 2019: Count Us in 202037

February 2019: Family Separation is the Real Emergency at the Border38

January 2019: New Year, New Congress39


Fall 201840

Spring/Summer 201841

Winter 201842


November / December: Clean DREAM Act Now!43

October: No Muslim Ban Ever44

September: Defend Immigrant Youth45

August: No Summer Break for Immigration46

June/July: 35 Years Later47

May: Racism Is More Than Words48

April: Uniting After United49

February/March: History We Refuse to Repeat50

January: New Year, New Look51


November/December: Looking Forward52

October: Are You Ready to Vote?53

(July / August / September): Defending Your Vote54

June: In Pursuit of the Dream55

May: What Are Asian Americans Thinking?56

April: Reporting After the 2016 Advancing Justice Conference57

March: Decision Time58

February: Fighting for a Full Court59

January: DACA Dreams60