Ruth Youn

Education Policy Coordinator
Ruth Youn

Ruth M. Youn is the Education Policy Coordinator for Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC where she is responsible for promoting educational equity for the nation’s diverse Asian American communities and expanding access to and inclusion of the history of Asian Americans in K-12 education nationwide. She provides public policy research on the education policy issues impacting Asian American students and she engages in community education and outreach to support coordination with state and local advocates nationwide.

Ruth has experience in coalition building and community organizing, with a particular focus in cross-racial solidarity work. She is trained in education policy research, analysis and advocacy, which includes policy priority areas covering classroom censorship and culturally sustaining curriculum. Ruth is also the co-founder of a grassroots organization that advocates for comprehensive US history to be standardized in Georgia K-12 curriculum. 

Ruth received her degree from Florida State University in International Affairs, with concentrations in French and History.