Civil Rights Organizations Mark One-Year Anniversary of Affirmative Action Ruling

National civil rights organizations express unwavering commitment to equal access to opportunity for all
For Immediate Release
Michelle Boykins (202) 296-2300, ext. 0144
LDF Media

WASHINGTON, DC – June 29th is the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard/UNC ruling that the limited consideration of race in higher education is unconstitutional. Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, Latino Justice, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and Legal Defense Fund (LDF) issued the following statement reflecting on the anniversary. 

“This Saturday, June 29th, marks one year since the Supreme Court's decision in Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and SFFA v. University of North Carolina (UNC), which struck down the limited consideration of race in those schools’ undergraduate admissions policies. That ruling upended decades of settled law, despite the fact that a majority of people support policies – including affirmative action – that attempt to equalize opportunity for everyone.  

From the beginning, these cases were part of a decades-long effort to turn back the clock on civil rights and racial justice. Though the Supreme Court’s decision only pertains to admissions in higher education, it has been weaponized, and some are trying to expand the fallout of this ruling by launching a full-scale attack on efforts to achieve racial equity, diversity, and equal opportunity across the country. Institutions and businesses—like military academies, small businesses and entrepreneurs, major airlines and other Fortune 500 companies, venture capital funds, and health boards–are experiencing the ripple effects of the Court’s deeply flawed ruling.  

Despite numerous attempts to further strip away the civil rights of the diverse communities we represent, our unwavering commitment to equity and racial justice continues unabated. Our ultimate goal has always been to eliminate systemic obstacles that deprive us of equal opportunity for all. Our communities, representing people of myriad backgrounds and experiences, will remain steadfast in our fight for racial justice with the full knowledge that nearly every avenue to ensure equal access to opportunity—regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age—is under attack. As we confront these challenges, we must stay united and continuously seek innovative and creative solutions to combat discrimination in education and all sectors of our lives. We must be relentless in our pursuit of the equity we all deserve. 

Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive—no matter who they are. An individual's background, zip code, or income should not hinder their ability to achieve this outcome. From the classroom to the workplace and beyond, all children and adults are entitled to equal access to opportunities. We will not stop fighting until we remove all barriers to equal opportunities for all communities. For too long, communities of color have endured the indignities and disadvantages of racial discrimination.  

To preserve and strengthen our multiracial democracy, we must continue fighting together, shoulder to shoulder, with unwavering determination. 
