
Advancing Justice | AAJC Urges Necessary Research and Testing Occur Prior to SPD 15 Implementation in ACS

August 12, 2024

RE: ACS SPD 15 (Docket Number: 240708-0186) (89 FR 57124)


Advancing Justice | AAJC considers a fair and accurate census and comprehensive American Community Survey among the most significant civil rights issues facing the country today. Our wide-ranging efforts to promote civic engagement, forge strong and safe communities, and create an inclusive society are guided significantly by objective, inclusive data on America’s diverse communities and populations. We appreciate the importance of fact-based analyses and the need for disaggregated, detailed data on our community to identify disparate access and outcomes and devise effective solutions. To 2 that end, we provide the following feedback in response to the Federal Register Notice seeking comments on the implementation of the revised SPD 15 in the American Community Survey (ACS).