
Advancing Justice Affiliation Provides Feedback on 2030 Census Preliminary Research

November 15, 2022

Re: Soliciting Input or Suggestions on 2030 Census Preliminary Research

Together, Advancing Justice has been working to eliminate the barriers that have historically resulted in the undercounting and underreporting of AANHPIs in federal data collection and analysis efforts, particularly in the decennial census count. Advancing Justice has conducted extremely successful national, state, and local outreach and educational projects focused on the AANHPI communities for Census 2000, Census 2010, and Census 2020. Advancing Justice considers a fair and accurate census and comprehensive ACS among the most significant civil rights issues facing the country today. We appreciate the importance of fact-based analyses 2 for identifying disparate access and outcomes and devising effective solutions. To that end, we offer the following comments regarding the 2030 Census preliminary research agenda.