'Illuminated' sheds light on the racial prejudices against Asian women

Published in Korea JoongAng Daily in association with the New York Times on

An article on the Webtoon, 88Rising, and Advancing Justice | AAJC collaboration

A new webtoon series titled “Illuminated” began on Naver’s global Webtoon platform on June 26, with each episode based on interviews of high-profile Asian women who have spoken out about the racial prejudices they have experienced in their lives.
The series comes as a collaboration between 88rising, a U.S.-based hip-hop label that mainly manages artists of Asian origin, and the Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC), a U.S. civil rights organization advocating Asian-American rights, to “tackle the realities of modern life for Asian American communities” according to the two organizations. The series started with four episodes, each based on the lives of music artists Stephanie Poetri, Wolftyla, mxmtoon and Olympic figure skater Mirai Nagasu.