Advancing Justice – AAJC and Hollaback! Announce September 24 Bystander Intervention training in Mandarin and Cantonese
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Washington, D.C—Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC1 and Hollaback!2 announce their first Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment training in Chinese. The free 75-minute interactive training will be facilitated by two trainers and a team of interpreters in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin on September 24 at 3:00 PM EST. In addition to simultaneous interpretation, the presentation uses slides that are in English and traditional Chinese. The upcoming session will be the first in a series of bilingual trainings, including Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, Tagalog, and Thai.
As anti-Asian racism and xenophobia persist, Advancing Justice – AAJC and Hollaback! have continued their partnership to teach effective solutions that will help community members safely intervene in acts of hate. Anti-Asian racism and xenophobia have long been part of American history, and have manifested against different Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities in many ways over the years. As the Covid-19 pandemic has continued, there has been more harassment, discrimination, and even violence directed at these communities. Just last month, the 2020 FBI Hate Crime Statistics3 reported that hate crimes in the U.S. have spiked to their highest level in 20 years.
“We are pleased to offer our first multilingual training after an incredible community response to our bystander intervention training and high demand for training in different languages to make the sessions more accessible to all who need them,” said Marita Etcubañez Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives. “As part of our response to anti-Asian hate, Advancing Justice – AAJC continues to provide the tools and resources to deepen understanding of the reality and history of anti-Asian harassment, to learn how to be active bystanders, and to practice using Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention methodology to broader audiences —and now also in multiple Asian languages.”
“We are always looking for ways to broaden our training, and we look forward to offering the training in Mandarin and Cantonese,” said Emily May, Executive Director of Hollaback! “We are grateful for our continued partnership with Advancing Justice – AAJC and the opportunity to empower more people to be active bystanders in the face of hate.”
Asian Americans Advancing Justice encourages the reporting of hate crimes and hate incidents through StandAgainstHatred.org4, a website that allows people to anonymously report incidents in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. Understanding the breadth and depth of hate crimes and hate incidents taking place across the country is critical to maintaining a pulse on the experiences of Asian Americans so that we can proactively address hate and harassment in our communities. Hate incidents compound and can be indicators of systemic and broader societal issues that can escalate into more serious incidents, like the devastating attacks in Atlanta, Georgia.
Advancing Justice – AAJC and Hollaback! are planning to launch more Bystander Intervention Trainings in other languages in the upcoming months. To sign up for the first in this series, visit the registration page here5. For more information on all of the training sessions that are being offered, click here6.
Special thanks to Cadence Translate for partnering to make our training accessible to those who need language support.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC has a mission to advance the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.
Hollaback! has a mission to end harassment in all its forms by transforming the culture that perpetuates harassment and discrimination. We carry out this mission by building the power of everyday people to create safe and welcoming environments for all.
亞裔推進正義協會 - AAJC 與 Hollaback!宣佈於9月24日開展普通話和粵語版的旁觀者干預培訓
華盛頓 — 亞裔推進正義協會 - AAJC1 與 Hollaback!2宣布首次開展中文版的旁觀者干預培訓,以消除反亞裔種族主義和仇外騷擾。9月24號美國東部時間下午3點,兩名導師及翻譯團隊將現場為觀眾提供英文、粵語及普通話版的培訓。在提供同聲翻譯的同時,我們還將使用中英文的幻燈片。此培訓將是一系列雙語培訓的第一個,我們在未來還將提供包括韓語、越南語、印地語、他加祿語和泰語的培訓。
由於反亞裔種族主義和仇外心理連續不斷,推進正義協會 - AAJC 與 Hollaback!繼續合作,傳授有效的解決方案,幫助社區成員安全地干預仇恨行為。反亞裔種族主義和仇外心理在美國歷史上的存在不可置否,並在多年來以不同的形式針對亞裔和太平洋島民。隨著新冠疫情的延續,針對這些社區的騷擾、歧視甚至暴力事件也越來越多。就在上個月,2020年聯邦調查局仇恨犯罪統計報告3顯示,美國的仇恨犯罪數量增至20年來的最高水平。
戰略計劃高級總監 Marita Etcubañez 表示: “在社區的熱烈反饋下,也為了能讓更多人能夠參與培訓,我們很高興為大家提供首個雙語培訓。作為我們應對反亞裔仇恨的一部分,推進正義協會 - AAJC 將繼續提供各種工具和資源,以加深人們對反亞裔騷擾的現況和歷史的了解,學習如何成為積極的旁觀者,並練習使用 Hollaback!的旁觀者干預5D戰術 -- 現提供多種語言的培訓。
Hollaback!執行董事 Emily May 表示: “我們一直致力拓展培訓課程,並期待普通話及粵語版的培訓。我們感謝我們與推進正義協會 - AAJC 持續的合作關係, 並有機會讓更多的人在仇恨面前成為積極的旁觀者。”
推進正義協會 - AAJC 鼓勵人們通過 standagainsthatred.org4 網站報告仇恨犯罪和仇恨事件。人們可以用英語、中文、韓語和越南語匿名報告事件。了解全國各地發生的仇恨犯罪和仇恨事件的廣度和深度,對於了解亞裔美國人的經歷至關重要,這樣我們才能積極應對針對我們社區的仇恨与騷擾。仇恨事件的加重可能是更廣泛、系統性的社會問題的徵兆,這些問題會惡化成為更嚴重的事件,例如在佐治亞州亞特蘭大發生的慘劇。
推進正義協會 - AAJC 和 Hollaback!計劃在未來幾個月内開展其他語言的旁觀者干預培訓。請點擊此處5報名參與本系列的首次培訓。
特別感謝 Cadence 翻譯與我們的合作,使我們的培訓能夠觸及到有其他語言需求的人。